Accredited Trainers Directory
SVI Accredited Trainers are highly qualified and experienced trainers in Social Value, SROI and Impact Management.
All SVI Accredited Trainers have deep practical and theoretical knowledge of social value and are able to offer trainees unique support and guidance to help you achieve your impact goals.
Please note: Only SVI Accredited Trainers are able to deliver the internationally recognized SVI Accredited Training courses.
Get in touch with us to find out more about SVI Accredited Training and how this can support you and your organization.
Elizabeth Ellis
Executive Director
Time + Tide FoundationZAMBIA | English
Anne Miller
Principal Consultant
Constellation Consulting Group Ltd.CANADA | English
Stephanie Robertson
SiMPACT Strategy GroupCANADA | English
Yulia Romaschenko
Technical Director
Social Value InternationalARGENTINA | English & Russian
Jane Chang
Social Value MalaysiaUK, Malaysia | English
Joy Chu
Project Manager
Unity Sustainability ServiceTAIWAN | English & Mandarin
Khulood Hindiyeh
Freelance Sustainability and Social Impact Advisor
Sustainability Inside OutJORDAN | English & Arabic
Yung Chuan Ko
Social Impact ThinkingTAIWAN | English & Mandarin
Dr. Sneha Lakhotia
Social PrismINDIA, NEW ZEALAND | English & Hindi
Chien-wen (Mark) Shen
National Central UniversityTAIWAN | English & Mandarin
Terence Yuen
Executive Director
Social Value Hong KongHONG KONG | English & Cantonese
Laura Tsai
PwC TaiwanTAIWAN | English & Mandarin
Jane Chang
Social Value MalaysiaUK, MALAYSIA | English
Agata Fortuna
Senior Project and Training Specialist
Koç University Social Impact ForumTURKEY | English, Turkish & Polish
Tim Goodspeed
Technical Lead
MTO and SVUKUK | English
Philip Isard
Chief Operations Officer
Quality MattersIRELAND | English
Oliver Kempton
Envoy PartnershipUK | English
Eleri Lloyd
Social Value Manager
Social Value CymruWALES | English & Welsh
Nicola Lynch
Consultant & Impact Management Specialist
LynchPin ConsultingUK | English
Filippo Montesi
Social Impact Advisor
Human FoundationITALY | English, Italian & Spanish
S. Ceyda Özgün
Social Impact Coordinator
EtkiyapTURKEY | English & Turkish
Patricia Polvora
Consultant & Co-Founder
The Social Consulting AgencySPAIN | English & Spanish
Anne Rackow
Social Impact Consultant and Coach; Associate at Quality Matters
Independent Consultant / Quality MattersIRELAND | English
Liz Riley
Social Impact Consultant
FreelanceUK | English
Rebecca Cain
Associate Director
Think ImpactAUSTRALIA | English
Simon Faivel
Director, Consulting
Social Ventures AustraliaAUSTRALIA | English
Dr. Sneha Lakhotia
Social PrismINDIA, NEW ZEALAND | English & Hindi