The Social Value Self Assessment Tool
The Social Value Self Assessment Tool is designed to help users judge how well they are measuring and reporting on their social value, in line with the Principles of Social Value. It was created by Social Value UK in collaboration with Hall Aitken.
The tool asks you 17 questions and immediately shows your results, illustrating areas of strength and those for improvement.
On completion of this short assessment, results are presented that provide you with some suggestions on how to apply each principle to your work and improve your score. It is a good idea to do this as part of a team to discuss your answers and learn how to improve the way you are applying the Social Value Principles.
Individual Accounts
The tool provides guidance, support and advice to individuals who want to improve how their organisation measures social value and assesses their service delivery, but don’t know where to start. To access the tool, create an account and sign up for free here.
By creating a free Self Assessment Tool account individual users can:
Fully explore the benefits of the Social Value Principles
Get an accurate baseline of how good your social value measurement practices are
Judge their organisation’s readiness for Social Value Management Certificate application
Use their score to guide them towards applying for assurance and accreditation
Get advice on what to do next.
Portfolio Accounts
We are also able to offer a range of additional functionality for organisations that want to use the Self-Assessment Tool to collect data about their stakeholders or activities.
We can enable you to:
Create your own survey with custom questions
Aggregate and analyse the results
Download your data as a spreadsheet
Track the progress of your users
Host the survey on your own website
Use your own branding.
Get in touch.
To find out more about the Portfolio account, and the support that Social Value International, Social Value UK or our Joint Member Networks can offer in regards to the Self Assessment Tool, please get in touch with the team.