Are Your Financial Statements True and Fair? A New Guide for Company Directors

The True & Fair Project, hosted by SVI, has released a new Guide to support UK company directors who have decided that information relating to sustainability issues is necessary for their accounts to give a true and fair view.

Are Your Financial Statements True and Fair?’ underscores directors’ legal obligation to consider sustainability information when preparing financial statements, and offers practical steps to support compliance. It explores how existing accounting standards can be applied to address costs usually left unaccounted for, such as carbon emissions, natural assets, and unpaid or underpaid labour.

Ben Carpenter, CEO of Social Value International, says: “Sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity for businesses to ensure long-term resilience and accountability. This guide empowers directors to embrace their legal obligations while demonstrating leadership in addressing the true cost of doing business. We welcome any company director to share with us how they are meeting the true and fair requirement in the context of sustainability, so we can showcase best practices and continue building momentum for more transparent and accountable reporting.”

Click here for the complete press release.


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