Principle 7: Verify the result

This page has the SVI guidance for applying this principle and also recommended guidance documents that can help you meet the standard.

Guidance on applying Principle 7

Front cover for the guidance document on SVIs principle 7: verify the result

Ensure appropriate verification of results in line with the decisions being supported. In cases where results are being reported to external audiences and/or are supporting significant decisions, independent assurance is required.

Please note, the guidance on applying Principle 7: Verify the result is due to be reviewed by the Standards Committee. Please see below for further guidance on how to verify the results of your impact measurement and reporting.

If you are interested in finding out more about how SVI works with our global community to develop the practice standards for social value and impact management, or would like to learn more about the work of the Standards Committee please get in touch.

Useful guidance:

  • Social Value UK: Report Database

    The SVUK Report Database has over 100 social value and SROI reports, many of which have been assured by Social Value International.

    Discover more

  • A Discussion Document on Assurance of Social and Environmental Valuations

    This document is not intended to be an assurance guide, framework or standard; but instead to set out a number of issues that will need to be considered during an assurance engagement that examines data that values impacts (referred to herein as ‘valuation data’), and which should be addressed in the future should an assurance framework or standard be developed for valuation data. This paper is intended to start a discussion, and not to be an exhaustive analysis of all relevant issues.
