Principle 4: Only include what is material
This page has the SVI guidance for applying this principle and additional recommended documents that can help you meet the standard.
Standard on applying Principle 4
Establish the boundaries of what information and evidence must be included in an account of value to give a true and fair picture, and one that is based on the evidence from stakeholders so decisions taken focus on the changes that matter.
One of the most important decisions to make is which outcomes to include and exclude from an account. This decision should recognise that there will be many outcomes, and a reporting organisation cannot manage and account for all of them. The basic judgement to make is whether a stakeholder would make a different decision about the activity if a particular piece of information were excluded. An assurance process is important in order to give those using the account comfort that material issues have been included.
This document is SVI’s guidance for the application of the Principle Only include what is material to meet the requirements as set out in the SVI reporting standard. Materiality is relevant in applying the other Principles of Social Value.
Useful guidance on materiality:
AA1000 AccountAbility Principles
The AA1000AP (2018) is an internationally accepted, principles-based framework that guides organizations through the process of identifying, prioritizing, and responding to sustainability challenges, with the goal of improving long-term performance.
Materiality Background Paper for <IR>
Materiality is a matter that has been debated extensively in the context of many forms of reporting. This Background Paper, explores the concepts of materiality for purposes of developing an International Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework.